Strategies ng mga Vmobile Millionaires :)

if you want to be like them, here's what u have to do .....

MEET PEOPLE... This is a people business. To be successful, you have to get out and meet them. It's the only way to build your team and get business partners. If you are not a people person, this business isn't for you :) 

BELIEVE IN YOUR PRODUCT OR SERVICE... If you don't use the product and don't honestly believe you are doing a service for others, it will adversely affect your business. The number-one consideration in choosing a company is picking a product you like :)

BE PATIENT... Like every other business activity, network marketing takes time. If you're confident you've found a good company, give it a year :)

ATTEND SEMINARS & TRAININGS... Continue on learning the business and one way is by attending business presentations and trainings. Those training sessions are the key to success :) 

WORK WITH YOUR SPONSOR, AND WORK WITH THOSE YOU SPONSOR... A network marketing organization is like a family. When everyone in your family succeeds, you do too :)

THINK POSITIVE... Consider rejections as "not now" instead of giving up. Who knows, the one who will be calling you next month is the one who rejected you yesterday :)


DON'T BECOME A MULTILEVEL JUNKIE... Bouncing from one company to another is a prescription for failure. The most successful are those who focus and commit in ONE company. THIS IS VERY TRUE. :)

--- learn now, earn tomorrow ----


A lot of people still wondering....what are the rules to success???
As for me, there are 6 rules to success...You need to apply this in order for you to gain success.

TRUST YOURSELF - dig deep down and ask yourself who do u really want to be?not WHAT, but WHO! it's not about what your parents teaches what they want you to be, but YOU! figure out yourself, WHAT makes you happy. No matter how crazy it may sound to the people,just TRUST yourself no matter what anyone else thinks.

BREAK THE RULES - What is the point of being on this earth if all you want to do is always behind of anyone during the time of trouble? so, BREAK THE RULES!!!! you have to go outside of the BOX!

DON'T BE AFRAID TO FAIL - you can't always win, but don't be afraid of making decisions.

DON'T LISTEN TO THE NAYSAYERS - always listen to yourself and say  YES! I CAN!

WORK - always remember, no pain, no gain. If you really want to WIN, there's no absolutely no way around to work hard. 

GIVE SOMETHING BACK -reaching out and helping people would bring you more satisfaction than anything else you've ever done...